Friday, March 18, 2011

Manufacturing in Seattle? Well, Not Exactly

The North American Manufacturing Core
The Seattle area is home to many industries including aerospace, information and communication technology, clean energy, biotechnology and marine technology.[1]Seattle is also famously known for its coffee, Starbuck’s and Seattle’s Best Coffee are the best known but there are also smaller roasters such as Tully’s, Caravali Coffees, and Lighthouse Roasters to name a few.

FUN FACT: The Washington, more specifically Seattle area, has the highest per capita share of technology-dependent jobs among all the states in the country and it’s not just all Microsoft either, you can’t turn a corner without bumping into a technology based business.[2]
So where do these techies all hyped up on coffee go shopping for their black framed glasses and plaid shirts?...The Westfield Southcenter Shopping Mall of course!
The Southcenter mall is the biggest shopping center in the Pacific Northwest. It is over 5 million square feet![3]

[1] “The Greater Seattle Datasheet,” accessed March 18, 2011,
[2] Whiting, J. (2011). Seattle Trivia & Fun Facts. (16 Mar. 2011).
[3] “Shops – Seattle Southside,” accessed March 18, 2011,

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