Sunday, March 20, 2011

Seattle's Forgotten Siblings to the East

The Bypassed East
How does a state that is in the Pacific Northwest compare with other states that are in the Atlantic Northeast?
Well, it turns out there are many similarities and many differences at the same time.
One similarity is that both areas consist of large forestlands.
This is a picture of a forest in Maine and the bottom one is from Washington, they're similar but the Washington forest has moss covering the trees.

Washington State has approximately 21 million acres of forested land.[1] New Hampshire is the second most forested state (in terms of percentage) in the United States, the land is 84% forestland with 4.8 million acres.[2] Maine is the most forested state in the nation with 17.7 million acres of forest land that is over 90% of the state.[3]
One difference is the population and urban areas of each area…
The largest city in Maine is Portland with a population of about 64,000.[4] Vermont’s largest city is Burlington with a population of about 39,000.[5] Manchester is the largest city in New Hampshire with 110,000 people.[6] If we were to add these three cities together they still would not even be half of Seattle’s population. 
Mt. Rainier is at top and Mt. Washington is at bottom:

Even though both areas have different elevations and many different mountains Washington’s famous Mt. Rainier is more than double the size of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. Mount Rainier is 14,410 feet high compared to Mount Washington at 6,288 feet high.[7]

[1] “Forestlands in Washington Counties,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[2] “Forest Statistics,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[3] “Who Owns Maine’s Forest?,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[4] “City of Portland, Maine,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[5] “Vermont Indicators Online,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[6] “Biggest Cities New Hampshire,” accessed March 20, 2011,
[7] “Highest Points in the United States,” accessed March 20, 2011,

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